
Wednesday, December 27, 2006


clothes are shed
standing barefoot
no wall for defense
just a sweet innocence
just the real me

pick a bunch of Fey flowers and
dance a Circle widdershins
dance the Circle deosil
jump the flames and reincarnate
the moment, the Life,
the Soul exubes the light from within the shadow
as you cast a Spell and do it well
between the Worldes.

Now visualize the outcome, the purpose,
the sweet success and completion of task
of thought, of willpower, of love embodied,
entwined with the eternity of our Divinities,
with our Deities,
our Heavenly and Earthly bodies.
...sexual fantasies incubate with our waking realities,
so bend to kiss her but miss her touch is a ghostly caress.

clothes are shed
standing barefoot
no walls for defence
just a sweet innocence
just the real me

take a deep breath, a breath of fresh air,
only to find you're sucking on water
from the River of Emotions,
an abyss of potions for every pore of your Soul.
dance to the beat,
to the Primordial screams of our Sisters and Brothers,
spinning, spinning, spiraling...
catch your breath as you speed through the air
and between the trees...
speaking to the Ancient One's, whisper your needs,
your desires, your Truthes,
scream your cries of love, of pain, of hope,
of untamed instinctual behaviour,
watching as the Wytch Queen does Her thing...
entrancing, expanding, directing, and encapturing,
the Essence of Her King...

clothes are shed
standing barefoot
no wall for defense
just a sweet innocence
just the real me

...flames from the fire seem to breathe in time
with our heartbeat, with our dancing feet,
breath becomes harder now,
faster and deeper as erotica meets exotica.
heavy breath, swaying hips, wet parted lips,
sweating bodies move with grace within this place of Life...
I open my eyes with a gasp,
at last I breathe the air as beads of consummated salty water
roll down my forehead, roll down my body,
to nourish my Soul, to nourish the Earth,
our Maiden, Mother, Lover, and Crone...

clothes are shed
standing barefoot
no wall for defense
just a sweet innocence
just the real me...

copyright BWA 2006

picture taken from the fantastic site of ""
of which I am a member.
Check it out!!!

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